Mark Harmon and Pauley Perrette, known for their roles in the hit television series “NCIS,” have recently confirmed the validity of long-standing rumors about their relationship. In a joint statement, they acknowledged the speculation...
After nearly two decades of portraying the lovable and dedicated Dr. Jimmy Palmer on the hit TV series “NCIS,” actor Brian Dietzen bids a heartfelt farewell to the show and its devoted fans. In...
The passing of esteemed NCIS actor Heath Freeman at the age of 41 has left fans and colleagues reeling. Known for his roles in NCIS, Bones, and ER, Freeman was discovered deceased in his...
NCIS Season 22 faces a dilemma with Jessica Knight and Jimmy Palmer, particularly following Knight’s decision to relocate to California for a new NCIS role, potentially leading to a breakup with Palmer. While their...
After a period away from the spotlight following his departure from NCIS, Mark Harmon is set to return to acting. Known for his long tenure as Leroy Jethro Gibbs on the hit police procedural...
Ahead of its premiere, NCIS: Origins has addressed a major Leroy Jethro Gibbs issue with a revealing new behind-the-scenes image. Following Mark Harmon’s departure from the franchise a few years ago, he returns not...
Caitlin Todd’s shocking death in the NCIS season 2 finale remains one of the series’ most unforgettable moments. Her demise marked the culmination of the rogue Mossad agent Ari Haswari’s sinister arc, which began...
NCIS star Michael Weatherly has shared an exciting update about his upcoming spin-off series with Cote de Pablo. Earlier this year, it was announced that Weatherly and de Pablo, known for their roles as...
Recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack is crucial, as prompt medical attention can greatly improve survival chances and minimize potential damage. Here are the key signs to be aware of: Chest Discomfort: The...
NCIS star Wilmer Valderrama recently discussed how the cast bonds while filming the long-running police procedural, especially ahead of its 1,000th episode milestone. “We have a blast on set!” he told People, emphasizing the...