As of August 2024, Cote de Pablo is involved in a new NCIS spinoff titled “NCIS: Tony & Ziva.” This series marks the return of her iconic character, Ziva David, alongside Michael Weatherly’s Tony DiNozzo. The storyline follows Tony and Ziva as they navigate life with their daughter, Tali, and face new challenges, including an attack on Tony’s security company that forces them to go on the run across Europe. The show promises a mix of intrigue, romance, and action, all set against a European backdrop.

In addition to starring in the series, Cote de Pablo and Michael Weatherly are also executive producers. The show will feature a cast that includes Isla Gie as Tali, Amita Suman, Maximilian Osinski, Nassima Benchicou, Julian Ovenden, Terence Maynard, Lara Rossi, and James D’Arcy. Filming began in Budapest in the summer of 2024​ (​​ (TV Insider)​​ (​.

Moreover, de Pablo and Weatherly have launched a video podcast called “Off Duty: An NCIS Rewatch,” which features them rewatching episodes of the original NCIS series and discussing them with various guest stars​ (​.

By chrysos

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