The beloved NCIS universe is expanding once again with a highly anticipated spinoff series centered around fan-favorite characters Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David. The new series, titled NCIS: Tony and Ziva, will take viewers on an exciting new journey, exploring the couple’s life after stepping away from their roles as special agents and embracing the challenges of parenthood.

International Adventure

The spinoff is set in an international backdrop, with much of the filming taking place in Budapest. This marks a significant departure from the original series’ familiar Washington, D.C. setting and plays a crucial role in the new plot. According to Cote de Pablo, who portrays Ziva David, the decision to relocate the characters to an international environment was deliberate: “We wanted to take these two characters away from the agency and place them in a world that was appealing to us. The world that appealed to us was international.”

The Central Theme: Family

At the heart of NCIS: Tony and Ziva is the exploration of trust, family, and the complexities of co-parenting. The series will delve into the struggles Tony and Ziva face as they work to rebuild their relationship and create a stable environment for their daughter, Tali. Michael Weatherly, who plays Tony DiNozzo, highlighted the importance of Tali in the narrative, humorously suggesting that the series could be more accurately titled Tony, Ziva, and Tali due to their daughter’s central role in the story.

“We didn’t have children when we were on NCIS: The Mothership,” Weatherly shared. “When you have a child, you have to figure out what is best for them, and you may have a rocky relationship with your co-parent. Oh, and we also need to preserve the world.”

The Next Chapter

For fans who have long wondered what became of these star-crossed lovers, NCIS: Tony and Ziva promises to provide the answers. The series will explore their post-agency life, how they navigate their renewed relationship, and the challenges of raising a child while still facing dangers that only they can handle.

Production for the show is set to begin this summer, with Budapest serving as the primary location. NCIS: Tony and Ziva is poised to be a thrilling blend of action, drama, and personal moments, making it a significant addition to the NCIS universe.

Stay tuned as more details emerge about the latest chapter in the lives of Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David. Fans can look forward to an exciting new adventure that combines the classic NCIS action with the warmth and complexity of family life.

By chrysos

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