Brian Dietzen, who has portrayed Dr. Jimmy Palmer on NCIS for over a decade, is reportedly considering leaving the show following a feud with a fellow cast member. This surprising news has left fans...
Cote de Pablo is set to captivate audiences once more with her highly anticipated role in an upcoming series. Best known for her iconic portrayal on NCIS, de Pablo has revealed she will...
Angelina Jolie has taken a strong stand against the rising issue of defamation, as false rumors about her personal life continue to spread among fans. In a decisive statement, the Maleficent actress has vowed...
Behind her calm and kind public persona, Cote de Pablo harbors a more enigmatic and private side that few fans truly know. While she’s celebrated for her roles on stage and screen, she’s also...
NCIS: Los Angeles star Eric Christian Olsen, best known for his role as Marty Deeks on the CBS drama, shared some exciting family news on social media alongside his wife, Sarah Wright Olsen. Over...
Today, the entertainment world mourns the heartbreaking loss of beloved NCIS: Los Angeles star Linda Hunt, who passed away at the age of [insert age]. Best known for her iconic role as Hetty Lange,...
The current team on NCIS is a far cry from the one that debuted over 20 years ago. In the early seasons, the team included Special Agent Caitlin Todd, portrayed by Sasha Alexander. However,...
David McCallum, known for his iconic role as Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard on NCIS, was more than just a beloved character on screen—he left behind a legacy that extended far beyond the show. His...
The entertainment industry is reeling from the loss of Rocky Carroll, a seasoned actor whose talent graced both television and film for decades. The recent announcement of his passing has sent shockwaves through his...
The hit procedural NCIS is set to return for its 22nd season in the 2024-2025 TV lineup, following its April renewal alongside CBS’s comedy The Neighborhood. Even after more than two decades, NCIS remains...